A short history of media timeline to the present day

These developments have resulted in the current media environment we encounter today.

It is hard to determine exactly when media began, due to a lack of recorded history in the beginning of human existence. The oldest types of media will likely either be drawings or oral stories. It is believed that drawings would have come first, but there is no definite proof to show this. In both situations, drawings and tales might have been used to both entertain and inform each other concerning the landscape, life, history, and beliefs. That is basically the essence of media today. With time the drawings became more complex and would have a spot in all visual media we come across today, whilst the oral stories would progress to written examples of mass media, such as publications, papers, and magazines.

Around the turn of the last century a few media innovations happened. One of these was radio, that was the very first of the broadcast media examples of mass communication in history. This allowed millions of people to consume the exact same bits of media simultaneously, from the comfort of their own house. This brought forth the period of breaking news, which allowed individuals to discover major current events without having to wait for the next day's newspapers. Another innovation had been film, which, as the minority investor of Walt Disney Company will be well aware, straight away captured the imaginations of many people worldwide. This brought the historical traditions of theatre, music, and art together in a format that immediately became widely available due to the explosion in appeal of cinemas across the world.

From the latter half of the last century to the current day, many media developments focused on personalisation and freedom. The television followed in the tradition of radio in enabling people to consume both real time and pre-recorded shows in their own house. As the activist investor of Sky and the largest investor of ITV will know, television been through many developments that give audiences freedom from the fixed schedule. These include increased channels, home recording, and DVDs. One of the greatest developments in media of recent years is the internet, that has been viewed as a competitor of TV due to the fact that people have a great deal more freedom to watch what they want online. Nevertheless, in the place of being a real competitor, the two formats have blended thanks to the innovation of streaming. Which means that television programming and films can be watched online, while simultaneously a lot of web sites can now be viewed on modern TVs. With many other forms of media, such as radio, books, and newspapers, being obtained online, we've reached a spot in media history where media has converged and the dividing lines being them have grown to be blurred.

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